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7 Powerful Strategies For Surviving A Job You Hate

July 15, 2022


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Hey! I’m Roxy,  the founder and creative force behind
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Hello, loves!

You *can* work your way out of a terrible job.


Are you currently working a job you hate?


If so, you should take solace in the fact that you’re not alone.


In a recent survey conducted by Zippia, approximately 50% of people surveyed indicated that they dislike their jobs.


The reasons that people are working jobs that they dislike run the gamut from micromanagement and lack of communication to unfair/low pay and undesirable hours. Another common reason for disliking a job is it being a generally toxic workplace.


No matter your reason for working a job that you hate, dealing with constant feelings of disdain can be challenging. Feeling like this is especially true if you, for whatever reason, need to keep the job for the short or long term.


While it’s inarguable that disliking your job is highly unpleasant, there are ways to make the situation more manageable.


As someone who has experienced the unfortunate phenomenon of working a job I hated first-hand, I discovered ways to make a bad job more bearable.


Check out these seven powerful strategies for surviving a job you hate.



7 Powerful Strategies For Surviving A Job You Hate

A distressed woman sitting with both hands against her face and mouth, visually representing the struggle of being honest with yourself about difficult emotions.
Photo Credit: @kevin_turcios on Unsplash

Be Honest With Yourself About Your Feelings

When you have a job you hate, it’s not uncommon to spend a lot of time in denial. You may try to convince yourself that it’s not that bad or that you don’t have the right mindset for the position.


While these ideas may be worth exploring, it’s typically more helpful to stay honest with yourself and be sincere about your feelings.


By taking the time to survey your true thoughts about the job, you may discover the actual reasons you have a job you hate. Knowing your real feelings can come in handy in future job searches and can even help you at your current workplace as you may be able to change duties, positions, or even departments if these things are contributing factors.


The key is that you shouldn’t ignore your feelings, as your true thoughts can be red flags to help you.


Three women sitting on a bench in a flower-filled field; one is laughing, another looks thoughtful, and the third’s face is obscured, illustrating the importance of sharing thoughts with trusted people.
Photo Credit: @priscilladupreez on Unsplash

Share Your Thoughts (With Trusted People)

Similar to the need to be honest with yourself about your thoughts, sharing your feelings with others can be hugely beneficial.


As a bonus to the much-needed practice of getting things off your chest, you may find that trusted people, like family and friends, can provide excellent advice or wisdom for your situation.


In addition to sharing your true thoughts with your inner circle, you may also decide to reach out to a mental health professional like a therapist or counselor to vent. Talking to a professional can be especially helpful when dealing with work anxiety.


By sharing with trustworthy people, you can clear your head and potentially receive guidance (or at least a listening ear).


If talking to others about your situation isn’t an option, consider writing your thoughts down in a journal. Often underestimated, writing things down to get them out of your brain is a highly-effective way to get clarity without communicating with others.


A smiling woman walking outdoors, wearing sunglasses with her hair partly covering her face, symbolizing a lightened workload and reduced focus on work.
Photo Credit: @thatsmrbio on Unsplash

Try To Reduce Your Workload (or Lower Your Output)

One thing that can make unsavory jobs even worse is chronic burnout, a crushing workload, or feelings of pressure on your performance.


If possible, consider reducing your workload to better cope with a job you hate. Yes, I realize that this is easier said than done. But, if there’s any way that you can ask your manager for assistance, it may be the difference between your ability to stay for a few more months and needing to quit immediately.


Consider requesting a change in duties, a reduction in hours, a change of work location, or another job modification to make the job more bearable in the short term.


If this isn’t an option for you, it may be worthwhile to explore the concept of quiet quitting.” This growing movement means you do the bare minimum at work to continue doing the job without resigning. Basically, you’re working and not “underperforming,” but you reduce your output significantly.


A barefoot woman sitting on a rock at the edge of a cliff, smiling and enjoying the moment, representing the act of de-centering work from your life.
Photo Credit: @sonniehiles on Unsplash

Do Your Best To De-Center Work

For many, work isn’t just a place to go and make money. It’s also their identity. As a result of being so profoundly tied to work, it’s no wonder that many people’s lives revolve around it. It’s even worse when you feel connected to a job you hate.


Rather than making work the focal point of your life, try your best to reduce the importance of your job.


Remember, you are not your job. In most cases, if you quit tomorrow, your company would replace you, and life would go on.


It may sound kind of harsh to remind you how replaceable you are at your job, but it’s important to remember that your life shouldn’t begin and end with work, as your company likely doesn’t prioritize you the way you’re prioritizing it.


It can be extremely worthwhile to find ways to de-center work and put your energy and brainpower elsewhere to make a bad job more tolerable.


A woman holding a camera and turning her head toward the back, standing in front of a field of flowers, highlighting the joy of incorporating hobbies into life.
Photo Credit: @priscilladupreez on Unsplash

Incorporate A Hobby (Or Two) Into Your Life

To aid in the process of de-centering work, consider incorporating at least one hobby into your life. Having a hobby can make overcoming a job you hate easier.


The hobby that you choose can be purely for enjoyment, stress relief, or leisure.


Alternatively, you can choose a pastime that doubles as a side hustle or a small business.


The key is to choose something that gives you true enjoyment, gives you meaning outside of work, or even provides hope for something better.


No matter how silly or unhelpful a new hobby may seem, doing something new or meaningful can make truly terrible jobs more bearable.


A woman sitting on a sofa in casual clothes, reading "100 Essays that will Change the Way You Think," representing self-care through personal growth and relaxation.
Photo Credit: @thoughtcatalog on Unsplash

Prioritize Self-Care As Much As You Can

This tip is a no-brainer, but self-care often falls by the wayside if you are dealing with a job you hate. 


Prioritizing self-care is vital when attempting to cope with a disliked job.


Ensuring you’re well-slept, well-fed, and other basic needs is crucial for mental health.


But, other self-care practices, like reading and intentional relaxation, can also be essential ways to unwind or recharge after tough days at work.


Two women seated at a table, one smiling at the other in a professional setting, suggesting a job interview or exploring new career opportunities.
Photo Credit: @wocintechchat on Unsplash

If Possible, Look For Another Professional Opportunity

Sometimes, no matter how earnestly hard you try, there is nothing that you can do to cope more easily with a job you hate.


When you’ve reached the point of no return with your current job, it’s time to start looking for another professional opportunity.


Depending on your situation, the new opportunity may be within your current company, possibly in a different position or department.


However, if you’re like many professionals, you’ll likely benefit most from looking for a new job externally. If just the thought of job-seeking fills you with dread, the following tips may be of assistance to you:


  • If your resume is a bit stale, hiring a professional resume writer (or resume writing company) may be worthwhile to refresh your CV before you start applying.
  • Make a list of traits that your ideal position would (and would not) have to help yourself focus on better job openings suited for you.
  • Try your best to carve out designated time to search for jobs.
  • Utilize present-day job-seeking tools, like apps and automated services, to help ease the pain of looking for a new job.
  • Consider putting people you know (outside your current company) on notice that you’re looking for a job as a low-stakes way to network.



    The Takeaway

    Remember that you’re not alone if you’re currently working a job you hate. 


    Unfortunately, disliking a job is a common and unfortunate occurrence.


    Luckily, there are ways to make an unpleasant job situation slightly more bearable.


    Strategies like sharing your true feelings with others and prioritizing self-care can make dealing with your job easier.


    Many of us have identities that we tie to our jobs. We also inflate the importance of a particular position or company in our lives.


    However, if your job makes you absolutely miserable, it’s worth considering moving on to something healthier for your overall well-being.


    Remember, you got the job you have. You can get another one.


    A black-and-white image of a pensive woman looking up toward the sky, with the title "7 Powerful Tips for Surviving a Toxic Job – 7 Strategies You Can Implement Today!"


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    Hey! I’m Roxy, the founder and creative force behind
    The Everyday Flourish. Passionate about personal growth, lifestyle, wellness, and self-care, I invite you to join me on this exciting journey. Let’s unlock our potential and thrive together!